EU Settlement Scheme

Friday, October 25, 2019

EU Settlement Scheme

EU citizens and their families who live in the UK before 31 October still have until 31 December 2020 to apply for settled status. However, given the uncertainty in how the UK immigration system will work in a no-deal scenario, The Recruitment & Employment Confederation and ALP are recommending EU citizens apply before 31 October 2019.

The EU Settlement Scheme allows you and your family members to get the immigration status you will need to continue to live, work and study in the UK. This status means you can continue to be eligible for:

  • public services, such as healthcare and schools
  • public funds and pensions
  • British citizenship, if you meet the requirements and want to apply


To find out more:

To support our candidates, we will be providing a drop-in clinic on Wednesday’s to help talk you through the process should you have any questions or concerns. We are also offering candidates access to a computer to complete the application process in our office. 


Visit the website to:

  • access the application guidance
  • start your application
  • find out about next steps and citizenship



If you have individual questions about your application, you can contact the EU Settlement Scheme Resolution Centre by calling

0300 123 7379 or +44 (0) 20 3080 0010 from outside the UK.

Find out about call charges on
You can also ask a question using the online submission form eu‑settled‑status‑

For full information on how to complete the application please visit our blog.