How to make a good first impression on your first day
Posted on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 by Heather Duhig — No comments

How to make a good first impression on your first day
Starting a new job can be an exciting new chapter in your life. For some this may have been a long and stressful process, and others simply been offered a great opportunity they couldn’t turn down.
However your journey to this day, most people will have the same feelings of wanting to make a great first impression.
Don’t add any extra stress to your first day, do some simple prep to make the transition as smooth as possible. There are some generic things that most new jobs will require such as your passport, NI insurance and bank details. But you should also consider how long the commute will be during rush hour, where to park and if you need to take your own lunch. Doing the prep work before will reduce the chances of any mishaps on the day and keep you appearing calm and professional.
Arrive Early
Although this may sound obvious, always give yourself some extra time when you arrive. You may need to fill out some paperwork, get a pass to the building or even just gather your bearings. You will want to digest as much information as possible and meet all members of your team to help make for a quick transition into your role, and this extra time is an asset to this.
Dress Code
This is easily covered if you have a company dress code, but if they don’t you should take time to consider this. In recent years, many companies are opting for a more relaxed business attire for the working week. However, there are still many that do require you to be dressed professionally; to make sure you are covered either way, opt for smart work-wear for the first couple days. Always better to be overdressed than under when making first impressions.
Be Friendly and Ask Questions
The more conversations you can engage in on your first day, the easier your transition into the new team will be. Try to not only get to know individuals you will be working with, but how the team work together and your role in that structure. A friendly and enthusiastic attitude will likely give you a head start to be a valued member of the team.
Speak up
Many people find the first week or two in a new job disjointed. Without full knowledge of the company, the team and your role, it can be hard to jump straight in. You may be given smaller tasks to begin with, or information to digest before being thrown into your role. But don’t feel like you must limit yourself to these. If you become stuck, unsure, or are struggling to fill your time with assigned tasks, make sure to speak up within the team. This will demonstrate your confident communication skills.
First days can be overwhelming at times; taking in new information, remembering names and even your bearings can be stressful. Try to remember through the overload of new information that this is an exciting new chapter, and the work you put into the beginning will make your transition into a valued team member quick and painless.
Best of luck!